1).Rhyme (red words)
2).Hyperbole (light blue words)
3).Similar (dark blue words)
4).Personification (purple words)
5).Alliteration (yellow words)
a.Something that used for make the poem beautiful and make people have their own feels.
c.Rhyme could make more powerful feelings. Also make the poem read beautiful.
2.This poem, I use one of the Canadian landscapes to show my own thought. A person, maybe he find nowhere to live or stand. He might be sad and embarrased. He might kill himself. But I want to say that a person live in the world just because he is existed. No one could rob one's life. Maybe he is not good at study or working, but there must be something that he could do and could do it well. God made him, must give him some advantages. If he in some trouble, sad, don't try to do something hurt himself or people arould him. Just wait and grinding. He would see the light from the sun.
3.A big rock find he is useless and could find nowhere to stand. He couldn't make food like wheats and rice. He couldn't use for buildings. He is sad. But finally, he found that he could be a landscape on the grass. He could face the sky. He became happy.
1)Huge rocks are good things to support my opinion.
2)I love beautiful things.
3)Your work said "use Canadian Landscape", I couldn't use other things.
5.They would be sad about the poem but they would be happy about Canadian landscapes because they are beautiful and cool.